It's been a while since posts, but don't let idleness in blogging reflect an idleness in training. In fact, it's all been very busy. The last week or so has been pretty constant, consistent training with lots of lunchtime sessions with most of the team at work and some good long runs in the hills.
However, I've also had to do some reviewing of my training because of how busy it's been... My busiest day last week was Wednesday: Cycling to work, running at lunchtime, evening circuit/boxing, and then riding home. And on top of that I was supposed to do the TM workout from the website...
Which has led me to decide to cut that TM workout from my schedule. In the end, trying to fit that in 3 mornings a week was setting myself up for failure and the subsequent feelings of guilt and uselessness that creates. Mornings just aren't good for me and I've always found training then difficult - and combine that with the sessions being either 12 hours after a similar strength workout, or 12 hours before (and in one instance both!) I decided it was just asking too much of myself and running the risk of overtraining or simply wasting effort.
However, to make myself feel a bit better for it I'll consider doing a double-TM workout on the weekend which should hopefully be easier to fit in, but will also give me a better workout - as I was a bit unsure about how much 1-minute per exercise could achieve as it was.
And to help me track all this and get a bit more motivation I've also started using the Fitocracy website - It's an interesting concept - Taking elements of online gaming and 'level-ups' to encourage exercise. I don't know how long I'll fiddle with it, as some elements are a bit cumbersome, but for now it's amusing me during the period when I can't train :)